The Nine Degrees
The first three Degrees are considered introductory to The Order.
As such, any Member may obtain the First, Second, Third Degree(s) without reservation, so long as they adhere to the Order's requirements of attainment and maintenance of the Title(s).
First Degree, I°. Initius Noctuae:
The introductory level for new Members entering The Order.
Second Degree, II°. Lumen Novitius:
Achieved after successfully completing the initiation phase and demonstrating a commitment to The Order's principles.
Third Degree, III°. Mysticus Adeptus:
Attained after a deeper exploration of occult knowledge and practices within The Order.
All subsequent Degrees are by invitation only and will not be attainable through public channels. Invitations are extended to current Members in Good Standing within the M.O.O.N. and based upon merit and charitable works by the High Priest and High Priestess.